Advocacy in Action

Advocacy in Action (AiA) is MOAA’s biggest event of the year. It’s time for MOAA members to gather — whether in person or remotely — and raise our voice. In April, we’re rallying to take our message to Capitol Hill and speak up for issues that matter to the uniformed services community.
Hundreds of MOAA members will go to Capitol Hill April 17. Many others will participate by sending messages from wherever they are. MOAA asks you to engage directly with your lawmakers, whether in the halls of Congress or from home. Lawmakers and their staffs need to hear what matters to you.
Please join us in raising our voice on these three key priorities:
● The Major Richard Star Act to support combat-injured veterans and make sure they receive the pay they earned.
● The BAH Restoration Act to restore the full Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH).
● Protecting TRICARE For Life to make sure the benefit is still there for those who serve
On April 17th, MOAA will send teams of council, chapter leaders and MOAA staff to Washington, D.C., to meet with their legislators on the Hill. The aim is to contact every one of the 535 congressional offices.
We want to make the most of the opportunity but we cannot rely solely on these visits - we need your help to increase our voice. You can make a remarkable difference from home before and after our Advocacy in Action 2024 event.
Anyone may use the MOAA Advocacy Links below. You do not have to be a MOAA or MUSNAVC member.
How to Support and Take Action
Your involvement and support is crucial for the success of Advocacy in Action 2024
- Visit the local office of your Representative and discuss the issues.
- Call your Representative or their staff and share the information found on the MOAA Issue Papers, found below. Watch 'how to prepare' video below.
- Send a message to your lawmakers by simply clicking the links below.
Anyone can send a message using the MOAA link. If not a member, just check "other" when asked for your military affiliation.
The Major Richard Star Act would end an unjust pay offset that prevents tens of thousands of retired servicemembers from receiving the compensation they deserve. The Major Richard Star Act (H.R. 1282/S. 344) would end an unjust offset for combat-injured veterans who lose a dollar of service-earned retirement pay for every dollar of VA disability compensation. The bill has a supermajority of bipartisan support – more than 325 House co-sponsors and more than 70 in the Senate
Ask Congress to include the bill in the upcoming National Defense Authorization Act.
Full Housing Allowance: Ever-growing housing costs are just one of the financial challenges faced by servicemembers and their families, especially young enlisted personnel. Restoring this benefit – it was cut by Congress incrementally beginning in 2015 – would make a difference in the quality of life for all who serve, but especially among junior enlisted members and their families, who rely on this allowance as a large percentage of their compensation.
Ask Congress to ensure BAH again covers 100% of housing costs.
Protect TRICARE for Life: This earned benefit is under threat -- unfair fees and cost shares now under consideration are misguided cost-saving options. Ask Congress to reject these ideas not just for current retirees, but to protect future generations of servicemembers.
Urge Your Lawmakers to Protect TRICARE for Life
MOAA, Military Coalition Lead Star Act Advocacy Day on Capitol Hill

The legislation would allow combat-injured veterans to receive both their DoD retirement pay and VA disability compensation without offset. The bill has garnered widespread support in both the Senate (71 co-sponsors) and the House (327 co-sponsors), but cost remains a concern for some lawmakers. Read further on our efforts HERE
Advocacy in Action: Help MOAA Restore the Basic Allowance for Housing