
COL Jeri Graham, ANC (Ret) and LTC Joe Gollasch, ANC (Ret) started the very first MOAA Virtual Chapter in 2016, known as the MOAA Army Nurse Advocates Virtual Chapter (MANAVC). This has now transitioned to an all-service MOAA Uniformed Services Nurse Advocates Virtual Chapter (MUSNAVC). The chapter is an “affinity group”, with a strategic vision focused on healthcare issues. Its members share camaraderie, in a virtual environment, with Uniformed Service Nurse Corps leaders and colleagues seeking to make a difference and to “Never Stop Serving”.
There are currently members located in all fifty states, covering 214 Congressional districts. Our membership includes Active Duty, Reserve, and retired nurses from the Army, Air Force, Navy, and Public Health Service Commissioned Corps. As Nurses, we devoted our lives to serving others and this is a way to continue to serve by being advocates on Military Healthcare issues. We all belong to National MOAA and most of our members belong to other MOAA local chapters as well as other Nursing organizations. We all have busy lives and only ask that you participate to the degree that you can. For active-duty members, their Virtual Chapter membership will follow duty assignment changes and even deployments, so there is no need to change chapter membership as they move or PCS. There are no dues or fees associated with joining MUSNAVC.
A major part of the focus of the chapter is, of course, advocacy. To that end, we have all members sign up for the MOAA Legislative Action Center notices. We just ask that you look for these calls to action and respond to support them. This is particularly true for issues involving health care.
The chapter has a (virtual) meeting on the third Wednesday of the month, at 7:45 PM, Eastern Time. You will receive an "invitation" every month, which will contain instructions on how to join the screen-sharing meeting, both online, and by phone. The online capability allows us to view slides supporting the flow of the meeting and presentations by our guest speakers.
As Uniformed Services Nurses, we’ve all had the experience of developing and executing the goals and objectives of Strategic Plans. National MOAA’s current Strategic Plan is well thought out and as you’ll note, very inclusive of healthcare-related issues. As Nurse Advocates, we are dedicated to doing what we can to actualize those important goals and objectives.
MOAA is a non-partisan organization advocating for the military community. It is a leading advocate and lobbyist for personnel benefits, military readiness/national defense, and resources to support the military, veterans, and their families. At the top of its list are healthcare issues. If you are a member of another MOAA Chapter you may still join, as you may belong to as many chapters as desired. We all have busy lives and only ask that you participate to the degree that you can.
The Virtues of MOAA’s First Virtual Chapter
COL. Jeri Graham, USA (Ret) discusses the virtues of a virtual MOAA chapter. As President of MOAA’s Uniformed Services Nurse Advocates Virtual Chapter, Jeri talks about starting the virtual chapter, how it works, how it brings together people outside of geographical locations and fosters the growth of localized chapters. The Chapter focuses on health care issues relating to legislative concerns. This is the Military Officers Association of America’s first virtual chapter.

Although soldiers are often thought of as the heroes of war, some of the most heroic and selfless acts of bravery and compassion come from the many thousands of nurses who serve during wartime. It is they, the often unspoken heroes of the tragedy and horrors of combat, that deserve our respect every bit as much as the brave young men and women who head out into battle. Amidst all the carnage and destruction of war, they stand as beacons of hope, compassion, and mercy.

Membership Milestone

Graham, Gollasch, Betts, D'Agostino, Griess, Johnston, Jones, Logan, Staggers, Stanley, Steinfeld-McKennon
These eleven former Army Nurses raised their hands and came together as the core group to form MANAVC (MOAA Army Nurse Advocates Virtual Chapter. That was in December 2015 and began the approval process which resulted in the first Virtual Chapter affiliated within National MOAA. Knowing that every other element in MOAA was all-service, immediate and continued planning soon morphed this Army-only group into the MOAA Uniformed Services Nurse Advocates Virtual Chapter (MUSNAVC) that we know and love today.
This was just a historical teaser to lead into announcing the following...As of the end of February 2024, we have 506 members in all fifty states. Our members reside in 214 different Congressional Districts and we are recognized within MOAA as one of the most active chapters in terms of advocacy efforts.
While most of our members are retired, we feel that our VC has a lot to offer for Active Duty officers whose memberships can easily move with them as they PCS or deploy. We have our sights set on gaining 500 members and invite YOU to help us reach that goal by joining the VC. Just click on the "Join Us" button on the home page and fill out the online application.

First Virtual Chapter for MOAA
MOAA Army Nurse Advocates Virtual Chapter transitioned to MOAA Uniformed Services Nurse Advocates Virtual Chapter on March 1, 2017
Would you like to learn more about the MOAA web-based virtual affiliates? Please join the MOAA Army Nurse Advocates Virtual Chapter President, COL Jeri Graham, USA (Ret) and Vice-President, LTC Joseph Gollasch, USA (Ret), as they provide a short overview on how a core group of MOAA members, who are already bound together with some common purpose or ongoing activity, can establish other virtual chapters by following these easy start-up steps. View Webinar
*MOAA Username and password are needed to access these videos.