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Join Our Team 
Volunteer Leaders

Do you remember the old saying "Pardon me, could you spare a dime"?  We have an offshoot from that which reads...
                                                             "Pardon me, could you spare some time"?


Donation Jar

MUSNAVC has grown to be an amazing and impressive MOAA Chapter thanks to volunteer leaders like you and I. Our members devote anywhere from one (1) to fifteen (15) hours annually, developing innovative initiatives.

We’ve demonstrated that a small group can accomplish so much, and we know that with a larger group, each devoting a small amount of time, the possibilities are endless.  

Our inventive initiatives have proven to be successful and meaningful to our membership, community, beneficiaries, and National MOAA overall.  We realize that our members have families, employment and many other commitments.  That is why we attempt to keep our organization administratively 'light', including time requirements. 

We ask that you look at the various programs below and consider if you could contribute a few hours a year to support, contribute ideas, and help to keep these and other programs successful as we lead the way with our virtual chapter. 

Our MUSNAVC members, over 525 strong, are an amazing group of nurses. The amount of talent is impressive, as evidenced by not only those who have achieved the highest ranks or positions, but by the common, everyday tasks we complete so effortlessly as nurses.  We have had to learn to do more with less, to “think outside of the box”, and to make decisions “on the fly” and in the face of great stress.  Running a hospital ward or clinic requires critical thinking and vision that many people could not do. 

Our natural disposition to be “fixers” never fades, which is why having you help us on MUSNAVC projects is invaluable.  We need more voices in our planning and program meetings to bring in different viewpoints, diversity, and expanded knowledge. We often meet once or twice to iron out an idea and implement a plan and it’s so rewarding to experience collegiality and camaraderie with each other.  We are no longer competing for jobs or working towards the next promotion- we are working together to take care of our soldiers, veterans, their families, and each other.  We need your vision to ensure our proposals are comprehensive and visionary.

MUSNAVC nurses are amazing individuals, but together we are INCREDIBLE. Each and every one of us has good ideas, varied experiences, and valued opinions. Collectively, we can do even greater advocacy and that is what we are about.

Please look at the webpage and the issues we are working on and join us as we improve what we have, identify new challenges, and secure the best for our amazing military and uniformed population.

Submit the form below for further information and we will be in touch.

Thank you for your support, dedication, and commitment to Never Stop Serving.


               We Care Team

Ad Hoc team that contact members following natural disasters or events to check on their well being and let them know we are concerned and support them.  Provide contact for isolated or shut-in members who request periodic contact and communication.

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          State Level Advocacy Team

This team coordinates and collaborates with the MOAA State Councils to share and encourage our members to participate and support legislation at the State level developed by the Councils. 


            Early Push Team

This team serves as an adjunct to the MOAA Legislation Action Program. We identify healthcare related legislation which is not highlighted on the MOAA active campaign list but, feel it deserves the attention of our Congressional representatives.


       Wreath Across America Team

This team coordinates our members participation in the national Wreaths Across America program.  We select the sites and arrange for members to meet in order to honor, remember and teach while respecting our departed brothers and sisters in arms.


          Healthcare Issue Team

This team reviews and evaluates healthcare related issues which are submitted by members involving policies, practices, or encounters within DOD, Tricare, or VA facilities.  The team serves as a type of early warning system for potential MOAA focus.

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            Women's Healthcare Team

This team reviews women specific healthcare delivery and availability in the DoD, Tricare, and VA facilities.  A consolidated review is posted.  The team selects articles and reports on women's health issues to share with our members.


     Speakers and Education Team

This team seeks and selects guest speakers for our general meetings following a review of our members recommendations and requests.  The team reviews and submit articles of interest for use in our e-Newsletters and website.


            Membership Team

This team meets twice a year to develop and review recruitment strategies and outreach material. They assist to welcome all new members and provide material to provide for advocacy and items needed for full participation in our chapter.


For further information, check all that apply.

Thank you for your support and participation.

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