Military Officers Association of America
Uniformed Services Nurse Avocates Virtual Chapter
BOD Meeting Minutes
June 2017
The meeting of the MUSNAVC Board of Directors was held on 14 June 2017 at 1900 HRS via tele-visual conference.
Attendance: COL-R Jeri Graham, President
LTC-R Joe Gollasch, Vice Pres/Secretary
LTC-R Amy Johnston, Treasurer
COL-R Ed Baisden – Admin
The meeting was called to order at 1900 HRS. COL-R Graham welcomed all to the meeting and provided opening remarks.
Minutes: The minutes from the 12 April 2017 meeting deferred until next meeting.
2. Business/Issues:
A. 501 (C) 19 Application Status: LTC –R Joe Gollasch reported that he has spoken with the IRS specialist reviewing our application and was told that our application has been approved. The official notification should be mailed shortly. He will forward the required paperwork to LTC-R Amy Johnston (Treasurer) once received.
B. MOAA National Council and Chapter Meeting Summary: COL-R Jeri Graham summarized selective issues discussed and the last teleconference. She stated that many representatives were troubled by the decision by National to change the Level of Excellence incentive program and to stop funding the purchase of awards for the ROTC/JROTC programs. It was felt that there was a lack of input from the Chapters. She also stated that the short program format for regional workshops have started and appears to be going well and the goal is to have a greater impact on local leadership training and collaboration. It was noted that MUSNAVC is not currently on-line for membership update with the MOAA website. This is being worked on by National MOAA.
C. Action Log:
1. General Meetings: There was a suggestion followed by general discussion concerning presentations and guest speakers for our general meetings. It was suggested that we have a guest speaker every other month and a discussion of a topic of interest facilitated by a chapter member on the other months. Guest speakers and facilitated topics would continue to be scheduled in advance. Discussion related articles and/or information would be emailed to members prior to our meeting. It was agreed unanimously to try this format.
2. Community Outreach: COL-R Jeri Graham presented plans for MUSNAVC participation and support for the Wreaths Across America campaign. She included the regional sites and potential, geographically located, members to participate. It was agreed to proceed with this initiative.
The Intrepid Spirit Centers are being explored as another avenue for community outreach and involvement. COL-R Jeri Graham will obtain further information and present at our next board meeting.
LTC-R Joe Gollasch recommended that we proceed with creating a recognition of achievement and/or accomplishment award for the Nursing ROTC cadets upon graduation. He also recommended that we create a similar award for military Nurses who have completed their initial entry nursing training at MTFs. It was agreed to pursue this and coordinate efforts to include each service.
There was further discussion on potential outreach for recruitment through installation retirement services centers. It was suggested that we could tie this in with the “Soldier for Life” and “Never Stop Serving” campaigns. We will develop a tri-fold type broacher to include membership instructions and have them displayed or handed out at retirement services. This will be further discuss at our next meeting.
The Board also discussed establishing an Outreach/Membership committee. This will be researched and decided at our next meeting.
3.Advocacy Manual: COL(R) Jeri Graham has received permission to use the Association of Public Health Nurses Advocacy manual from their tool kit and abstract information to include for our chapter use. Access to the link of the manual has been provided to the BODs and all agreed to request that COL-R Lorna Griess, COL-R Vickie Hughes, and CAPT-R Angela Martinelli review and recommend items to include in our chapter guidelines. Will follow-up at the next meeting.
4. Transition Team: There was discussion of the need of changes to the Transition Team since we have already transitioned to a multi-service chapter. LTC-R Joe Gollasch recommended that we dissolve the Transition Team and invite the representatives to fill one of the open slots as the service liaison on the Board of Director’s.
5 .E-Newsletter and Website: COL-R Ed Baisden provided an update on the status of these communication venues. It has been a challenging task and the Board agreed that Ed should be applauded for his Herculean accomplishments. Both continue to be upgraded and further developments made. It was suggested that our MOAA IT adviser speak with the BOD on suggestions for improvements or developments. COL-R Jeri Graham will contact and arrange a meeting.
6. August Local Advocacy: August is when most Legislators are in their home districts and hold town hall meetings and meet with constituents. National MOAA usually puts out “talking points” and suggestions for meeting with our representatives. COL-R Jeri Graham implied that she expects MOAA to send these out in July. We will discuss home town advocacy in our July meeting with membership.
3. There being no further business COL-R Jeri Graham adjourned the meeting at 2100 hrs. The next BOD meeting will be on 12 July 2017 @ 1900 hrs.
Respectfully submitted by:
LTC-R Joe Gollasch
Vice President/Secretary