Military Officers Association of America
Uniformed Services Nurse Avocates Virtual Chapter
BOD Meeting Minutes
July 2017
The meeting of the MUSNAVC Board of Directors was held on 12 July 2017 at 1900 HRS via tele-visual conference.
Attendance: COL-R Jeri Graham, President
LTC-R Joe Gollasch, Vice Pres/Secretary
LTC-R Amy Johnston, Treasurer
COL-R Ed Baisden – Admin
The meeting was called to order at 1900 HRS. COL-R Graham welcomed all to the meeting and provided opening remarks.
Minutes: The minutes from the 17 June 2017 meeting were reviewed and approved as written.
Treasurer’s Report: LTC(R) Amy Johnston reported that she has the required documentation of our 501(C)19 approval from the IRS and will proceed with opening a bank account for our Chapter. Required coordination for access and use was discussed and will be implemented. There was discussion of the proper procedures to submit for reimbursements of IRS and corporate filing fees from national MOAA. COL(R) Jeri Graham will follow up and report on findings.
2. Business/Issues:
A. Guest Speakers/ Discussion Facilitators: Beginning this month we will alternate hosting guest speakers and discussion facilitators for our general membership meetings. COL(R) Jeri Graham will lead our July discussion on Hometown Advocacy. She will ensure discussion material is sent to membership prior to the meeting. Potential future presenters were discussed and will be contacted. Membership will be asked for suggestions. Further discussion and coordination will follow.
B. Community Outreach: COL(R) Jeri Graham reported that she is coordinating the participants for the Wreath’s Across America Program. She has identified the sites and points of contact for this 16 December 2017 event. Further information will be following and maximum participation is encouraged.
The Intrepid Spirit Centers were explored as another avenue for community outreach and involvement. COL(R) Jeri Graham contacted COL(R) Mike Turner, President of Military Family Initiative, and found that mandatory requirements cannot be met by our Chapter for application for incentive award. This initiative will be tabled pending further review.
LTC(R) Joe Gollasch stated that he had contact information for the Army Clinical Nurse Transition Program Director. He will contact her and explore the possibility of presenting certificates and letters of accomplishment to the nurses who complete the program. We will continue to reach out to the Navy and Air Force to identify similar programs for inclusion.
COL(R) Jeri Graham has contacted the ROTC Nursing Director to include nursing graduates for recognition of accomplishment under this outreach program
C. Board of Director Positions: There was discussion on potential candidates to fill some of the vacancies on the Board of Directors. We will continue to seek members willing to serve on the Board.
D. Advocacy Manual: CAPT(R) Angela Martinelli has reviewed and submitted a review and suggested revision of the Association of Public Health Nurses Advocacy manual to be considered for use by our Chapter. She has volunteered to coordinate further review along with COL(R) Lorna Griess and COL(R) Vickie Hughes. Recommendations will be discussed once completed.
E .Website and E-Newsletter: COL-(R) Ed Baisden provided an update on the status of these communication venues. It was noted that Ms Stefanie Keuser , MOAA IT adviser, has been asked to assist with a format issue with our e-newsletter and that we are waiting her recommendations. Work continues on our website and several recommended additions will be added. There will be a link for State legislators and issues, link for US representatives and issues, section added for Outreach initiatives, and one for President’s message. COL(R) Ed Baisden also mentioned a potential concern with our Facebook link. MAJ Doug Taylor will be asked to research this and provide a recommendation.
3. There being no further business COL-R Jeri Graham adjourned the meeting at 2010 hrs. The next BOD meeting will be on 13 September 2017 @ 1900 hrs.
Respectfully submitted by:
LTC-R Joe Gollasch
Vice President/Secretary