Military Officers Association of America
Army Nurse Avocates Virtual Chapter
BOD Meeting Minutes
February 2017
The meeting of the MANAVC Board of Directors was held on 09 February 2017 at 2000 hrs via tele-visual conference.
Attendance: COL-R Jeri Graham, President
LTC-R Joe Gollasch, Vice Pres/Secretary
LTC-R Amy Johnston, Treasurer
COL-R Ed Baisden – Admin
Col-R Vickie Hughes - Guest
The meeting was called to order at 2000 HRS. COL-R Graham welcomed all to the meeting and provided opening remarks.
Minutes: The minutes from the December 2016 meeting were reviewed and a motion to accept without further discussion was approved unanimously.
2. Business/Issues:
A. Amended By-laws Vote: LTC-R Joe Gollasch stated that the vote to amend the Chapter By-laws, transitioning to MOAA Uniformed Services Nurse Advocates Virtual Chapter (MUSNAVC), were approved by our general membership. The vote was 19 in favor and there were 3 members not responding to the vote. COL-R Jeri Graham stated that the effective date of our official transition to MUSNAVC will be 01 March 2017. She will send a copy of the by-laws to our Transition Team members.
B. General Meeting Summary: The agenda from the 19 January 2017 meeting was reviewed and there were 13 members who attended. The meeting went well and there were no issues or concerns.
C. Action Log: COL-R Jeri Graham reviewed items on the BOD Action Log.
1. MOAA Affiliation and Council and Chapter Locator: National MOAA has designated our Chapter as “VC 01” and affiliation letter is on file. COL-R Graham is going to follow up on our listing in the locator.
2. IRS 501c19 Status: LTC-R Gollasch stated that we have obtained an Employer Identification Number (EIN) and have been incorporated in the State of Florida. Copies of the records and paperwork have been provided to members of the Board. He continues to work on the IRS application for 501c19 status. The $400 cost associated with the filing fee of the application was discussed and options are being explored by COL-R Jeri Graham.
3. Guest Speakers : The list of potential guest speakers was reviewed. Speakers include:
March- Claudia Bartz: TeleMedicine; April- Terry Coles: MOAA/Virtual Chapters; May- Kathy Schneidt; Tricare; June- Congressman Gus Bilirukus; Veteran Healthcare issues. LTC-R Gollasch requested that speakers submit a short Bio and speaker slides NLT a week prior to presentation to allow time for announcement and uploading for screen sharing.
4.WEB Page Development: COL-R Jeri Graham spoke of a possible website being developed for our chapter using Wordpress.com. This is a relatively inexpensive, $8.25 per month, initiative. She will continue to explore this and provide additional information at the next meeting.
5. G-MAIL and MUSNAVC Forms: COL-R Ed Baisden will populate our account with a maigroup listing. He will also update our membership application indicating the gmail address for return and update the MUSNAVC roster to include new members.
6.Dropbox/Google Drive: No update. Pending decision to develop a web site which could be utilized to post and store documentation.
7. MANAVC to MUSNAVC Transition: COL-R Jeri Graham stated that there are two transition team members representing Army, Navy, and Air Force. She is recruiting members from Public Health to join the transition team. The transition team have discussed drafting advertising and informational articles to be submitted to service specific newsletters and organizations. COL-R Graham will provide the team members with the new by-laws and the revised outreach letter to get their feedback. The next transition team meeting will be scheduled.
D. E-MAIL Distribution: LTC-R Gollasch mentioned that a few members had a concern of the number of email messages being sent. It was decided that the general membership would be queried about this at the next general meeting.
3. There being no further business COL-R Jeri Graham adjourned the meeting at 2110 hrs. The next BOD meeting will be on 08 March 2017.
Respectfully submitted by:
LTC-R Joe Gollasch
Vice President/Secretary