Military Officers Association of America
Army Nurse Avocates Virtual Chapter
BOD Meeting Minutes
December 2016
The initial meeting of the Board of Directors Military Officers Association Army Nurse Advocates Virtual Chapter (MANAVC) was held on 28 December 2016 at 1900 hrs via teleconference.
Attendance: COL-R Jeri Graham, President
LTC-R Joe Gollasch, Vice Pres/Secretary
LTC-R Amy Johnston, Treasurer
COL-R Ed Baisden - Admin
The meeting was called to order at 1900 HRS. COL-R Graham welcomed all to the meeting and provided opening remarks.
Minutes: The minutes from the November 2016 meeting were reviewed and motion to approve by COL-R Graham and seconded by LTC-R Johnston without further discussion was approved unanimously. LTC-R Gollasch stated that the BOD minutes will be voted for approval st BOD meetings and will be briefed at the general membership meetings. Issues and items from the general membership meetings will be referenced in the BOD minutes.
2. New Business:
A. Board of Directors: LTC-R Joe Gollasch stated that the Executive Board of Directors has been elected, effective date 04 November 2016. There was a discussion concerning the vacant positions of the Board of Directors. COL-R Jeri Graham mentioned that she is unaware of any current members offering to fill these positions. The BODs agreed that we will wait until the Chapter has transitioned from MOAA Army Nurse Advocates Virtual Chapter to MOAA Uniformed Services Advocates Virtual Chapter to fill the vacant positions. If a current member is found to fill a position, in the interim, it will be brought to the Board for confirmation and appointment.
B. GO2VC Meeting Format: LTC-R Joe Gollasch stated that he and COL-R Ed Baisden have been working on the implementation of using free conference call screen sharing ability and believe they are ready to go forward with this for our next general meeting. COL-R Ed Baisden stressed that this is not a video conference but strictly a screen sharing. Members will have to option to merely call in and not use the screen sharing if they wish.
C. General Meeting Format: COL-R Jeri Graham stated that we are looking for ways to expand our membership networking opportunities during our meetings. We will continue to discuss and explore options with our members at the next general meeting. There was discussion on having guest speakers and agreement that we should continue to slot guest speakers at a minimum of quarterly. Further discussion will follow.
D. Action Log: COL-R Jeri Graham reviewed items on the BOD Action Log.
1. MOAA Affiliation and Council and Chapter Locator: National MOAA has designated our Chapter as ”VC01” and affiliation letter is on file. COL-R Graham is going to follow up on our listing in the locator.
2. IRS 501c19 Status: LTC-R Gollasch continues to work on and file for our status. The cost associated with the filing fee was discussed and options are being explored.
3. Guest Speakers Log: There has been an speakers log developed to post and track potential guest speakers. LTC-R Gollasch requested that speakers submit a short Bio and speaker slides NLT a week prior to presentation to allow time for announcement and uploading for screen sharing.
4.WEB Page Development: COL-R Jeri Graham is exploring options for development of a Chapter web site.
5. G-MAIL Account: COL-R Ed Baisden has set up a google e-mail account which will be implemented and utilized as we transition to MUSNAVC.
6.Dropbox/Google Drive: COL-R Ed Baisden is working on developing a means of using Google Drive to replace Dropbox as the repository of our shared Chapter documents. The goal is to have a more secure location for documents.
7. MANAVC to MUSNAVC Transition: COL-R Jeri Graham stated that an updated Logo and Banner; Membership application form; Membership roster; By-Laws; Outreach letter; and Membership mapping have already been accomplished. LTC-R Gollasch will submit additional recommended changes to the outreach letter. Progress is being made to implement this change and the MANAVC membership will vote on changing the by-laws in the near future. There is a transition team meeting planned for 19 January 17.
3. There being no further business COL-R Jeri Graham adjourned the meeting at 2000 hrs.
Respectfully submitted by:
LTC-R Joe Gollasch
Vice President/Secretary