Patricia W. Nishimoto, COL, AN, Ret, DNS, FT, FAAN
Adult Oncology Clinical Nurse Specialist
Department of Medicine
Tripler Army Medical Center
Honolulu, Hawaii
Dr. Patricia Nishimoto is an Oncology Clinical Nurse Specialist at Tripler Army Medical Center and also an Associate Professor at the School of Nursing, University of Hawaii. She is a Fellow in the American Academy of Nursing and a Fellow of Thanatology. She is retired Colonel in the Army after 33 years of service and continues to work full-time as a civilian at Tripler AMC.
In her role as Oncology Clinical Nurse Specialist, she works with patients and their family members from Micronesia and the Pacific Basin. She authored two chapters for the USAPI Palliative Care Curriculum. She taught a five day course based on the curriculum in Kosrae, FSM (Federated States of Micronesia) for physicians and nurses from Kosrae, Pohnpei, Chuuk, and Yap. She has written chapters and articles about cultural aspects of oncology and of death and dying. She has lectured in the United Kingdom, Thailand, American Samoa, Ireland, Australia, Korea, Japan, Saipan, Guam and nationally.
Dr. Nishimoto has been honored by Hawaii Military Week (Officer of the Year), the local American Nurses Association, the local American Red Cross (Everyday Hero), the local American Cancer Society as Mana’olana (Nurse of Hope), the national American Cancer Society (Lane W. Adams Award for Nursing Excellence), the national Oncology Nursing Society, and Hospice Hawaii as the Health Care Professional of the Year.